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konservasi lingkungan sekalIGUS MENABUNG AMAL JARIYAH

Kami mengaktivasi Waste Collection Centre Berbasis Tempat Ibadah, sekaligus melakukan pengelolaan sampah yang lebih optimal.

dari sampah menjadi nilai produk yang bermanfaat

We are making a move to get to bring peace among people of all races. Our campaign will give every member the opportunity to express their feelings. Your words can influence another person to get what he or she wants by making them aware of their right. The power is all yours. consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut lab

What services We provide you?

Aktivator Waste Collection Centre

Mengaktivasi dan membina Waste Collection Centre berbasis tempat ibadah sebagai front-end bisnis sosial lingkungan yang dijalankan oleh Banua Green Hub.

Workshop & Training

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Business Planning

Menyediakan jasa pengelolaan persampahan klien komersial yang bertanggung jawab sesuai dengan regulasi pemerintah. Banua Green Hub membantu klien dalam mendukung citra perusahaan yang ramah lingkungan.

Concultation Service

Pelayanan jasa desain dan pembangunan sarana dan prasarana pengolahan sampah.

Waste Less Event Collaborator

Berperan sebagai edukator dan pelaksanaan tata kelola event minim sampah. Setiap aktivitas event yang diselenggarakan mendapatkan output hasil perhitungan data timbulan sampah.

Selling Waste-based Product

Menyediakan pakan alternatif berprotein tinggi untuk budidaya ikan dan unggas.

Elegan dengan Gaya Hidup Minim Sampah​

Berbagai produk turunan dapat diproduksi dari hasil limbah padat yang dikenal dengan “sampah”. Ketika kita merubah mindset bahwa sampah ini adalah sesuatu yang harus ditangani dan bukan dibuang, maka mindset kita akan terdorong untuk berpikir kreatif yang pada akhirnya membuat sesuatu yang sebelumnya dianggap tidak berguna menjadi nilai manfaat.

Beberapa Aktifitas Banua Green Hub

Temukan minat mu dan bergabung bersama dengan kami!

Nursing Home

Compassionate nursing home to give a new home for elderly people.

Private Duty Care Home

Individual care for each and every elder person for their betterment.

Assisted Living

Generous volunteers to manage and assist elders in doing daily chores.

Dakwah Edukasi Pilah Sampah

A wholesome community to live and interact with for any elder person.

Pembinaan Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Masyarakat

Treating Alzheimer patients with patience and care.

Waste Less Event Collaborator

To provide the greatest medical support, we offer an immediate medical care

Pengelolaan Sampah Klien Komersial

A wholesome community to live and interact with for any elder person.

Dementia Care

Treating Alzheimer patients with patience and care.

Juara Nasional Kompetisi Start Up

To provide the greatest medical support, we offer an immediate medical care

Pengelolaan Sampah Klien Komersial

A wholesome community to live and interact with for any elder person.

Dementia Care

Treating Alzheimer patients with patience and care.

Juara Nasional Kompetisi Start Up

To provide the greatest medical support, we offer an immediate medical care

What Our Clients Say About SeniorCare?

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I would like to thank Homestead for giving my mother a warm and happy place. I was even treated as one of them while taking their service.

Lorry Melon

Thank God I found Homestead on time. I was able to give my elder family member a loving home which I could not give. Thanks to the Homestead community to help him go.

Steve Smith

One of the best elder caregivers in the town. I loved their behaviour and how they treat people in general.


Amazing service and even more impressive behaviour. I liked their management system and how they treat the elders. . Ut enim ad minim


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Simple Solution To Healthy Food Habit

As we provide fresh and home grown products, you are always welcome to explore our natural product lines and opt for the healthy food habit easily.


Brighten Your Rooms With Custom Lighting

Floor Planning

Make The Best Use Of Space

Our Work Process


First we come up with a concept that reflects your themes and style. tempor incididumodo.


First we come up with a concept that reflects your themes and style. tempor incididumodo.


First we come up with a concept that reflects your themes and style. tempor incididumodo.


First we come up with a concept that reflects your themes and style. tempor incididumodo.

Our Clients

We have worked with renowned names. From hotels, offices and personal homes, we have worked with clients from all backgrounds.

Featured Projects

Hear From Our Clients

Meet Our Team

Fran Wilson

Fran Wilson

Adam Smith

Adam Smith

Sarah Glenn

Sarah Glenn

Chris Woakes

Chris Woakes

We Turn Ideas Into Works Of Art